Choose Your Stream Now !
Knowing ourselves have long-lasting impact on lives, we and our children will lead. As adults, we spend most of our waking hours at work and so, choosing an appropriate subject stream and career path is one of the most important decision one makes about their future.

Class 9-10
Select subjects of specialisation.
Chalk out the roadmap to graduation, postgraduation, and occupation.
Select educational streams.
What we choose as optimum professions should align with who we are; what we like doing; and what our approach to life is. It should not be just one profession but basically what all things we can do successfully. This is the key to being happy and enjoying life for long.
World needs varied and all kind of skill sets and all of them are personally and professionally rewarding when they are aligned to who you are, what you like and what your lifestyle approaches are.
For example, are you Thinker (Investigative) & Creator (Artistic) who is interested in Anthropology, then you may find that working in UX at names like Google is what makes you happy and pays well. You may be Persuader (Enterprising) and Helper (Social) and may be happy running a business that focuses on helping others (like a chain of schools or education consulting).
We help you understand your THEME CODE and refine it further with other psychometric scales from your report.
Class 11-12
Discover your ideal career description in terms of key skills and knowledge needed and attractiveness of career choices
Chalk out the roadmap to graduation, postgraduation, and occupation.
Guidance on college admissions
Discover your subjects and college streams for achieving your preferred career path.
• Discover your relative efficiencies for major occupational fields and skills needed for them.
• We help you to figure out career paths and not only course fitment.
• Discover the internships customized to your personality code & best suited for profile development for admission process.
• Discover your core values- Who am I, what motivates me. These are the ideas which form the basis of your life journey and makes your career fulfilling. Discover the occupations compatible with your values.
• We help you understand your THEME CODE and refine it further with other psychometric scales from your report.
• World needs varied and all kind of skill sets and all of them are personally and professionally rewarding when they are aligned to who you are, what you like and what your lifestyle approaches are.
Each job/occupation is a combination of themes, based on your personality code/theme we help you discover the best suited top 5/10 occupations to match your interests, economic and life goals. • World needs varied and all kind of skill sets
Discover the right FIT career
Simplify the complex process of decision making for the most suitable career
We help you with a contingency plan if things don’t work out
First step is to identify your career rather than choosing a course to study.
• In order to find the career that is right fit for you, you must first get in touch with your 4 P’s – passion, personality, preferences (for workplace, type of work, work environment, etc.), and principles/values.
• Factors assessed for career stream selection:
o Interests o Motivation. o Skills o Personality o Innate Intelligences
• We help you identify the internships/Volunteer/Part-Time Work–Volunteer or parttime work in a field that can give you real life experience to base a career decision on.
• The knowledge that you acquire in school/college will usually point towards an industry, but we help you to find the right fit/role within that industry that best suits your personality, skills and interests. This makes you aware how your career will pan out with the choices you make.
• One- Size- fits- all approach doesn’t work when it comes to careers, so we help you find the RIGHT FIT.
Parenting Your Child for Future / Career Success
Discover the right FIT career for your child
Simplify the complex process of decision making for the most suitable career aligned to his/her interest areas
Develop a healthy and trusting relationship with your child
• Whether your child is in his tweens, teens, or twenty’s, the issue of career development is an essential and valuable discussion.
• Parents consciously want the best for their children, but because of unconscious patterns, current pressures and concern for their children’s well-being they might have trouble discerning what that is.
• We should want our children to reach for the stars and surpass our success. Sometimes we may also unconsciously want them to fulfill our unfulfilled dreams. The dynamics between parents and children can get complicated as parents assert their independence. Unfortunately, however sometimes negative messaging particularly from parents, teachers, relatives, peer groups can get stuck in child’s head like a broken recording.
• Parents are in a very tricky position when it comes to offering advice and guidance. How much is just enough? Too Much? Too Little? • Positive messages and support can make all the difference, but it is hard to know how to direct our children. • There are multiple ways parents can positively impact their child’s growth.
Working adult making career decisions
Career development is the lifelong process of managing, learning, work, leisure and transitions in order to move towards a personally determined and evolving preferred future.
• The first step to solving a career problem is to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be
• Knowing what is important to you (your values), what you enjoy (your interests), what you do well (your skills) and actually knowing yourself will make it easier for you to make a career decision.
• Are you in a job/ have been in many jobs and things don’t feel right?
• Switching careers/jobs is not a decision to be taken lightly as it can majorly change your long-term goals.
• Changing careers involve a lot of planning, introspection, effort
The more you know about the pitfalls of choosing a career, the more prepared you'll be when faced with the process.
• The Perfect Fit Some people mistakenly believe that only one perfect career exists for each individual. Instead of seeking one work path that seems like a perfect fit, therefore, it's important to investigate a variety of options
• Fear of Failure The element of the unknown often rears its head in a search for the right career choice. A person may fear that he/she won't like the career once commited to it. They may fear that she won't be good at it. Ways to allay these and similar fears include thoroughly knowing oneself.